Keeping My Why Close By - Lisa Johnson Yoga

Keeping My Why Close By

Back in the fall I went to the doctor for a genetics test, concerned about some family health history information recently discovered. The test was negative, but the scale told me something else. My weight was slowly creeping up and indications were that I was heading close to the pre-diabetes line. Diabetes runs in my family along with addiction and a genetic mutation called EDS which affects the vascular system. In spite of a pretty darn good regime of exercise and healthy foods, it was time to take a deeper look at my habits. It was apparent that the time had come to take the next step or steps – on the treadmill – at least to start. A walk into a Weight Watchers meeting took me on a journey of self-discovery unexpected for this long-time yogi as well.

So after years of putting other people through their paces via yoga, pilates and barre, I decided to put my health needs first. That requires me to show up every morning – rise and shine –  on the treadmill along with my usual strength and flexibility training. As motivation, I hung an old photo of myself back in my ballerina days about 4 decades ago on the wall in front of the LIFESPAN treadmill. Additionally, showing up for weekly weigh-ins and inspiration thanks to the WW meetings, plus vigilant “tracking” of what I put in my mouth each day has allowed me to drop 20 pounds and keep it off. I’m not quite ballerina weight and don’t aspire to be, but I am feeling in control of my health due to remembering WHY it is important to me. I want to live long and well. I want to feel good in my own skin. I want to move daily for the pure joy of it. I want to laugh hard with friends and give big hugs to husband and children for many years to come. I want to be the person I am meant to be, happy and healthy, able to give back to others what I have been given. The old black and white photo is one of many “best-self” memories in my life. Times when wholeness and thankfulness have practically seeped through my pores, it was so overflowing. If it can trigger a WHY that transcends time, I will do whatever it takes to keep it close by.





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